#RacialJustUs Dawn Keable #RacialJustUs Dawn Keable

How The Actions Of Just One Person Can End Racism

No doubt, racism is an overwhelming problem.

Systemic racism often feels big. Too big, like something we'll never be able to contain, never mind cure. Where do we even start to tackle an issue of this magnitude, especially one without any clear cut solutions? We ask ourselves, 'What could one single person do to make any kind of meaningful and lasting change anyway? And if we can't affect change, what's the point?'

At one time or another, many of us currently standing on the sidelines may have been inspired to become Black allies. Maybe we even explored the options a little bit. Checked into volunteering opportunities. Started to come up with a plan. But, something stopped us from taking the next step. Maybe we lost momentum. Maybe we got intimidated, worried that we didn't belong or wouldn't be welcome in that space with people who looked different from us. Maybe we never got started because that little voice in our head highjacked our optimism with doubts, saying that even our greatest efforts won't even matter in the end. So instead, we opt to do nothing, hoping that our thoughts and prayers will substitute for real action.

But what if we told you that the actions of just one person, say an inspiring person like you, can be the spark for an incredible amount of change. Really. There's no pressure here. You just have to commit to learning more about the anti-racism mindset. In this class of one, the first objective isn't to change the world -- it's to change your perspective. Your only goal is to begin seeing other people's experiences, not like they exist in some other universe where they don't affect you. Your aim is to understand other people's experiences like they were your own.

How? By starting super small. Maybe with some culture. A restaurant in your city or town that features the delicious home cooking of someone else's heritage. Ask about the ingredients in the recipe. Everyone loves to feed a curious person. Or start with a book. Caste by Isabel Wilkerson is a good one. Or watch a movie. When They See Us on Netflix is incredibly powerful. Observe the current events that are going on in the world right now. Ask yourself how you feel about them. Then ask yourself if you'd feel the same way if they were happening to you. Journal about what your values say about you. Decide how you want to change.

Truth is, you can stop right there. Or maybe even stop right here for now. Because you're already making changes by challenging your belief system. But, when you're ready, you might want to tap into your Spheres of Influence. You might know them already by their more informal names, like your sister, your boss or the nice lady at the bakery that always gives you the broken scone for free.

Spheres of Influence are the different areas of our lives where we may hold formal or informal power. The circles radiate out from ourselves to our family and friends to those in the greater community. And identifying them may have us realize we have even more ability to influence change than we realize. Activate just one of these areas, and we've already increased our potential of winning. Because with them, you have the power in numbers.

But it all starts with one.

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#RacialJustUs Dawn Keable #RacialJustUs Dawn Keable

What Does It Mean To Be Antiracist Anyway?

Back in the day, when we addressed racism, things seemed a little more, well, black and white. 

Either you were racist. Or you weren't. And for the most part, everyone was pretty clear on what these two polar opposites looked like. Spend your time gathering with other like minded folks who favored white hoods and terrorizing Black families with burning crosses? Conventional wisdom probably identified you as racist. Horrified by this behavior? Then probably not a racist.

Today we need more.

Welcome to the antiracism movement, which changes the definition of what it means to be an advocate. Think of it as a verb. It's a way of being. Being antiracist demands that we as individuals actively commit to eradicating racism. And, at first, this might feel a little different than what we're all used to. You might even feel attacked or defensive at first, especially if you are entrenched in the belief that: "I'm not racist." But it is important to realize that antiracism isn't accusing you of having racist beliefs. It's asking you to stop operating from the passive idea that simply not bringing more harm to people is enough to solve the problem. Instead, antiracism asks you to actively join the fight for justice, instead of standing by quietly.

Antiracism demands that we speak up. That we are active participants in the process. It means we don’t stand by when there are opportunities to address individuals or situations that get ugly, even if Grandma is the one telling the racist joke. It takes courage because at times being antiracist may make us and others around us feel uncomfortable. But that's exactly what is needed to help change the world. People's lives are often literally threatened by racism and our society’s racist structures and we need action to change things.

How can you help? First, you'll need a willingness to open your eyes to what’s going on. To educate yourself. And more importantly, to believe people when they tell you their story. To be empathetic. Being antiracist requires that we see the individuality in people and are able to treat each person as their own entity instead of viewing them as a representation of a group or stereotype. Antiracists believe all racial groups are equal regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, age, ability, religion, because this pursuit of equality leads to equity for everyone.

Antiracism is a marathon. It requires a lifelong mindset, that all of us are capable of, but it starts with the desire to commit to making the world equitable for everyone. It's time to start training.

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#RacialJustUs Dawn Keable #RacialJustUs Dawn Keable

Your New Year's Resolution For 2021? A Bold Commitment to Anti-Racism. Here's How:

Your New Year's Resolution For 2021? A Bold Commitment to Anti-Racism. Here's How

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Hello there 2021!

Welcome. Trust: we are awfully glad to see you. There were a whole lot of moments during this dumpster fire of 2020, that had us wondering if you'd even show up. (Truth is, we wouldn't have blamed you if you took a U-turn.) But here you are, appearing the same way that you do every year, as the clock strikes midnight on January 1st. Yet, even in your predictability, you also feel symbolically next level. And worthy of something different as we celebrate your arrival. Something more revolutionary.

And brave.

Over here at Racial Just Us, we've been spending our first (and hopefully last) worldwide pandemic, creating your perfect new year's resolution. Hint. It's kinda in our name. Are you ready to make 2021 the year of Racial Justice? Us too, especially our founder André M. Brown. He created this anti-racism movement in the wake of the tragedies of Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd and Breonna Taylor. And while he watched these senseless crimes with a mix of anger, sadness, frustration and sometimes resignation, he was also incredibly heartened by the mobilization of people from all backgrounds during the Black Lives Matter protests. 

André wanted to build something to channel that collective energy of a diverse group of people who wanted to help, even after the marches were over, so he dreamed up Coaching for Community, created specifically to answer the question:  What Can I Do Next? He developed this one-of-a-kind virtual hybrid group coaching and training program, by blending his unique professional background as an ICF certified coach and racial bias trainer, together with his life experience as an African American man comfortable working with all racial and ethnic groups. 

In addition to uncovering the roles implicit bias and white privilege play in race relations and racial justice, the revolutionary power of Coaching for Community comes from helping participants target individual areas of anti-racism meaningful to them. At the end of four weeks, each participant will emerge with a completed action plan to help guide anti-racism efforts in their personal lives and communities. This intensive process, along with a private coaching session in week five, will help insure success long term. The next two series are scheduled to start on January 6 and January 16th, 2021, and are currently open for enrollment here.

What's in it for you? A whole lot, starting with an understanding of social domains which have been negatively affected by ongoing racist policies. You'll also uncover how implicit bias affects your perceptions of others and influences interpersonal relationships. Not to mention gain access to a wide variety of anti-racism resources, including a network of allies with the same growth mindset. But more importantly, you'll be serving as the leaders in a movement to create racial equity in our world by actively contributing to the elimination of racism and racist policies in the US. You'll be part of the solution to a problem over 400 years in the making, and that's kinda revolutionary. And also maybe a little scary. But in the words of the writer Anaïs Nin, "Life Shrinks or Expands in Proportion to One's Courage." 

2021 is ready for action. Are you?

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